Gallery 612-920-3497 doug 612-791-1285
Douglas Flanders & Associates is pleased to exhibit Abstraction In Minneapolis, a group exhibition that celebrates the dynamic vibrancy of abstract painting in the Twin Cities currently.
Featured in the show are works by Minneapolis painters Samuel Bjorgum, Donna Bruni, George Farrah, Josh Meillier and James Wrayge.
Each artist uniquely manipulates color, shape and visual space as well as brushstrokes, surface, size, scale and even process. Samuel Bjorgum's nonobjective paintings utilize layers of bold color to shake a visceral emotional response from the viewer. With broad, richly layered planes of color Donna Bruni creates paintings with palpable atmospheric resonance. George Farrah often references landscape in rich, built-up paint layers with gestural, almost calligraphic over-markings. Josh Meillier employs overlapping, translucent layers of broad brushstrokes and shapes to create visual depth in his paintings. In an architectonic style James Wrayge builds subtle layers of paint away from the flat canvas surface and places tracery marks to push spatial depth.
Exhibition dates: November 7 — December 6, 2015
Douglas Flanders & Associates is pleased to exhibit Abstraction In Minneapolis, a group exhibition that celebrates the dynamic vibrancy of abstract painting in the Twin Cities currently.
Featured in the show are works by Minneapolis painters Samuel Bjorgum, Donna Bruni, George Farrah, Josh Meillier and James Wrayge.
Each artist uniquely manipulates color, shape and visual space as well as brushstrokes, surface, size, scale and even process. Samuel Bjorgum's nonobjective paintings utilize layers of bold color to shake a visceral emotional response from the viewer. With broad, richly layered planes of color Donna Bruni creates paintings with palpable atmospheric resonance. George Farrah often references landscape in rich, built-up paint layers with gestural, almost calligraphic over-markings. Josh Meillier employs overlapping, translucent layers of broad brushstrokes and shapes to create visual depth in his paintings. In an architectonic style James Wrayge builds subtle layers of paint away from the flat canvas surface and places tracery marks to push spatial depth.
Exhibition dates: November 7 — December 6, 2015
Donna Bruni
Samuel Bjorgum
George Farrah
Josh Meillier
James Wrayge