Having earlier worked with world-renowned Parisian gallerist Denis René, Doug Flanders has been known since 1972 as one of the go to art dealers when looking for special investment or Blue Chip art. Art dealers, museum curators and art consultants worldwide have come to Flanders with their wish lists.
Doug Flanders' discerning eye for promising talent is what is bringing in today's buyers of good quality paintings. Beginning in the 1970's, Doug started touring artist studios and the best grad schools at Yale, Cornell, Corcoran, RISD, the Pratt Institute and others. In his search for up-and-coming talent, he discovered artists such as Susan Rothenberg, Terry Winters, Julian Schnabel and Eric Fischl long before they became big names represented by big galleries in New York.
Today, with Doug Flanders' assistance, international corporations like MOPAR, Factory Motor Parts, hotels like Lowes and the Four Seasons, department stores like Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, Target and Nordstrom and medical clinics like Mayo are buying paintings by excellent young and mid-career painters, the superstars of tomorrow.