Gallery 612-920-3497 doug 612-791-1285
So you’ve been to the Minneapolis Institute of Art to see the Terra-cotta Warriors of Ancient China… but now is your chance to see the Terra Gatto Warriors of Minnesota!
"What is the fascination with cats? The mythology and lore surrounding cats can be found all around the world from ancient times to the present day. Whether regarded as symbols of good fortune or bad luck, cats seemingly possess their own power and sense of mystery. Cats were held in high veneration by the ancient Egyptian as depicted in tomb paintings and discoveries of intricately wrapped cat mummies buried alongside the pharaohs. I couldn’t resist exploring the cat afterlife theme while working on the series “Art of the Catacomb”. Or maybe it was simply the name “cat-acomb” that got me started.
With this body of work I don’t follow one specific legend or one particular culture’s rapport with cats, but loosely weave many threads of inspiration into new stories. I once read a legend about how the Egyptians thwarted a foreigner attack by unleashing thousands of cats, terrifying the advancing army into a hasty retreat. I wanted my own global cat army. Take the Chinese Terra Cotta Warriors, throw in an Egyptian legend, give it an Italian twist and you have Terra-Gatto Warriors. …unleash the cats!"
-Denise Rouleau