Gallery 612-920-3497 doug 612-791-1285
American, b. 1959
Lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Edward Lentsch is a well-established painter working in mixed media on canvas. Lentsch’s monumental sized works exhibit unique surfaces and refined textures while also reflecting a contemplative element of alchemy and spiritual introspection.
The spiritual overtones of Lentsch’s painting are captured by his titles, where he uses mystical images and esoteric subjects to inspire the imagination of his viewer. His titles are compelling as he reaches for what he refers to as a dialog that redefines synectic reasoning… (a concept first coined by Buckminster Fuller — 20th century visionary inventor). Wikipedia contributor William Gordon describes synectics as: a problem solving approach that stimulates thought processes of which the subject is generally unaware.
Ed Lentsch paintings are represented in both private and corporate art collections nationally.